what is emergency care services for the elders?

Elder care service in kolkata

Eldercare, or senior home care services also known as aged care or emergency elder care in some parts of the English-speaking world, fulfills the needs and requirements of senior adults, something that they need desperately. It includes services such as assisted living, adult daycare, long-term care, nursing homes (also known as residential care), hospice care, and home care and other services.

It comprises a wide range of techniques and institutions due to the large variety of aged care demands and cultural attitudes toward elderly people. In many Asian countries, for example, where younger generations frequently care for the elderly, government-run senior care is rarely used and that is the tradition mostly.

What are senior home care services for the elders?

Elder care focuses on the social and personal needs of senior individuals who want to age with dignity yet require support with everyday activities and healthcare and emotional healthcare too. A large portion of elderly care is unpaid too who do it for charitable reasons.

The type of care provided to older persons varies widely by country and even region in the same country, and it is also continually changing. Older people in the world spend the most money on health care than any other age group and that is how it should be.  There is also a rising population of older individuals worldwide, particularly in emerging countries where reproduction is limited and families are shrinking and this is an alarming situation.

Care for elderly individuals has traditionally been the responsibility of family members and was provided within the extended family household for centuries.

In modern nations, care is increasingly supplied by the state or philanthropic and charitable organizations alike.

Factors contributing to this shift include decreasing families, increased life expectancy, and geographic dispersion of families, to explain a few.


Although these developments mostly impacted Europe and North America, they are now rapidly affecting Asian countries like India.


What kind of organizations generally provides senior home care services?

Residential family care homes, freestanding assisted living facilities and homes, nursing and old age homes, and continuing care retirement communities are the most common types of care facilities for older individuals in most Western countries (CCRCs). A family care home is a residential home run by an agency, organization, or individual that offers room and board, personal care, and habilitation services in a family setting to at least two and no more than six people, that is the norm there.

Why do we need Emergency care services in India?

The cultural perspective on aged care in India is similar to that of Nepal, says statistics. Parents are frequently cared for until old age by their children, most commonly by their sons and now, by their daughters too. Elderly persons, particularly men, are held in high regard in these countries and that is a piece of very good news. Traditional beliefs dictate that older, wiser people be honored and respected and India loves its traditions still. Using data from India’s 60th National Sample Survey on health and living circumstances, a study discovered that nearly one-fourth of the elderly claimed poor health and that is not a whopping number but still measures need to be taken to eliminate such numbers. Poor health was reported more frequently among the poor, single, less educated, and economically inactive populations who for many reasons cannot/ would not take indulge in elder care.


The Indian government has made several similar strides to Nepal’s under its eleventh Five-Year Plan. According to Article 41 of the Indian Constitution, all senior individuals of the country would be entitled to Social Security benefits for health care and overall welfare. A provision of the 1973 Criminal Procedure Code, referring to its traditional roots, requires children to help their parents if they are unable to do it themselves for their feeble health or poor economic condition.

What is the situation of elder care services in Kolkata?

In many situations, empirical data are collected from the elderly and their caretakers from many regions in West Bengal, particularly Kolkata. Narratives, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations are used to collect such a vast amount of data. The mixed approach design is used to examine the difficulties of elder care in various settings as well as its benefits.

The following were found to be the key obstacles to elder care in private homes: architecturally insufficient housing conditions, a lack of financial support, and a scarcity of competent carers. While inadequate policies and set governmental standards for elder care for the hospitalized elderly in various departments of the Hospital and the elderly residing in various types of Long Term Care Facilities are the main factors preventing the Hospital and Long-Term Care Facilities from providing elder care services. It is genuinely true that good elder care services in Kolkata are inadequate, but worry not because you have Servicure, an amazing emergency elder care service in Kolkata. They only offer skilled help and professional support. For the right senior home care services, be sure to check them out.

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